In an integrated system of therapy for the cervical chondrosis (degenerative disc disease) are used in the injectable solutions, ointments, creams, pills, coated tablets. The drug is very good and contributes to pain, swelling, inflammation, fatigue, dizziness, irregular blood pressure.

The characteristics of the disease
While the cervical spine of a degenerative disc disease that is accompanied by a time-consuming process, an irreversible process of destruction of the intervertebral disc. Without the shock-absorbing cartilage in the joints of bone, the vertebrae will also begin to warp. At the reception you will vertebrologist, or a neurologist, the patients complain of sharp or stabbing pain, soreness, stiffness, and dizziness, when pronounced, therefore, that the cure of a regimen composed of drugs with a variety of transport properties.
- the open-air funds, with a local anesthetic, regenerating, warming, action,
- the drug, ensuring the complete nutrition of the brain;
- chondroprotectors and begin the process of recovery from the disk.
- places and pain killers.
The pathology to which it is not intended to complete the cure. The efforts of the doctors, with a view to the resolution of painful symptoms, to inhibit the spread of the disease to other departments of the spinal cord. For this reason, they are drawn to complex medication regimens with drugs of different groups.
The signs of the cervical chondrosis
In the early stages of the development of the disease, the symptoms in both women and men are largely absent. Occasionally, a person's alarm the weak and the uneasy feelings in the evening. He follows them in to the tiredness after a long day of work, so the doctor did not want to. And, at the time, the intervertebral disks gradually falling apart. To deform the bone to the formation of tumors in the bone, compression of the vertebral artery. About a year ago to change the uncomfortable feelings that come with pain, increasing in the corners or the steepness of the head. It manifests as chondrosis, and these symptoms may include:
- just a couple of clicks and crackle in the neck;
- limitation of range of motion;
- irregular blood pressure;
- rapid heart palpitations;
- migrenepodobnykh one-sided pulsating pain in the head;
- visual and hearing disorders;
- dizziness, instability of gait, the sensations, the imagination of the rotation of my stuff;
- bouts of nausea as well, they rarely end up vomiting.
Due to the oxygen starvation of the brain with disturbed sleep, you experience a weakness, numbness, rapid fatigue, ringing in the ears. Worsening of psycho-emotional state of the man becomes nervous, concerned with trifles.
Principles of drug therapy
For the treatment of the spine, cervical chondrosis involved in manual therapists, professional, massage therapists, physical therapists, and medical therapy for a year. In the final stage, it is permissible to use the remedies. But the most important role in an integrated system of therapy and the role of pharmacological drugs. They are a requirement for all the drugs in the following form:
- injectable solutions are applied in acute exacerbation chondrosis for a quick resolution to your painful symptoms;
- tablets, capsules, coated tablets, are assigned for the reference to the prevention of the destruction of the records, to the day of his retirement from weak to moderate aches and pains of the head, to restore the circulation of the blood.
- creams, gels, conditioners, creams are more safe, fast, and to cope with the stiff, unpleasant crunch.
It rarely happens, of explaining and talking points osteocondrose of any of the drug. In the therapeutic scheme normally includes, at least, a 5-of-funds, with different transport and pharmacological properties. They are arranged, convenient to use at home.
Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDS)
NSAIDS most of the other drugs used in the therapy of the cervical chondrosis. They show up when a sharp, piercing, or other remote areas, alleviate aches and pains. The one-of-a-mechanism-of-action of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, based on the ability to inhibit the enzymes responsible for the production of neurotransmitters. All of the NSAID's to have an integrated action on the human body:
- they also eliminate the sensation of pain.
- to resolve the cracking, clicking, occur when the curves of the neck;
- stop in during the acute, sub-acute, chronic inflammatory processes affecting the soft tissues;
- to encourage the reduction of the swelling, to infringe on the sensitive end of the nerve;
- increase in the number of entries in the damage to the neck vertebrae.
In the therapy of chondrosis is well established, drugs in the form of solutions for parenteral introduction. From the pills, done the destination. The long-term use of NSAIDS leads to damage to the mucosal lining of the stomach. To avoid this, it will help in the simultaneous acquisition of a proton pump inhibitors . Medicines that reduce the production in the parietal cells of the aggressive of the gastric juice, which increases under the influence of NSAIDS.
Synthetic hormones
Steroids, synthetic analogs of the hormone-producing adrenal cortex. This is the "heavy artillery" of medical treatment of degenerative cervical disc disease. As a natural hormone, cortisone, quickly cut off, and the inflammation, swelling, almost instantly, to eliminate the pain. They are used in the form of solutions for intramuscular administration. But when the pain is acute, perhaps, by the introduction directly into the intervertebral disc. The therapy aggravated the pathology, it is made of hormone drugs. It is sufficient to have a bite of painful sensation does not appear within 3 to 5 days. Corticosteroids are given to patients with osteochondrosisom when the inefficiency of NSAIDS. It's a long list of potential side effects. It is very common to the use of hormones and causes damage to the muscles, bones, and the tendon-ligament apparatus. The tools that are prohibited for use during transport to the child during the period of breast-feeding, adolescence, and infancy and early childhood. All of the corticosteroids very anti-effects. In clinical practice, the cancellation of the cases the heavy injuries in the kidney, liver, stomach, and after a long of the hormone therapy. It does not apply to you if you have cirrhosis of the liver, peptic ulcer disease, renal failure, or osteoporosis.
The drugs with the action of chondroprotective
All of the tools that are applied to a processing system for chondrosis, only to resolve your symptoms in a time period by improving human well-being. The only exception to this is the chondroprotectors. The composition of each and every one of these products is the ingredients to be able to perform the restoration of the destroyed cartilage and the intervertebral disc. Your neck stops hurting after you have your application, they don't disappear in a couple of hours, and for all time. Online chondroprotectors are available in a wide range. It is a capsule of a substance for the preparation of injection solutions, powders, put up in packages. The most well-known chondroprotectors, with a proven and efficient solution for on-demand.
The tools that can improve the microcirculation of the
Claim, the the medication to to improve the the circulation of blood when the cervix osteocondrose -nicotinate. These medicines are used for the treatment of a disease more serious than that, when bent, it is not only the disks, but the bone of the vertebra. Compression of anterior spinal artery is manifested, cervicobrachialgia. The what is known as a complex of symptoms, and into the anterior spinal artery: pain in the head, the "front view" at the front of the eye, is a disorder of the temporary, the sweating, palpitations of the heart. To improve the micro-circulation in order to eliminate the syndrome of the anterior spinal artery," and help thioctic acid. It enters into the composition are available in the form of tablets, solution for parenteral introduction. In the absence of such over — the- action-shotgun-of-court, because they speed up the movement of blood in the whole body, and that it is not always appropriate. Therefore, a list of indications and contra-indications included epilepsy, hyperthyroidism, peptic ulcer disease.
Drugs, vitamins of group B
In the treatment of degenerative cervical disc disease in the acute phase, is not complete without the use of drugs, the composition of which is a fruit for the vitamins of the group B. the fact that the sharp edges of bone, tumors, spine, violate not only the artery of the spine. They press on sensitive nerve roots, disruptive activation. All nerve impulses arrive to CNS delayed, slowed down in their responses. The breach of the nerve supply leads to the paresthesia — loss of sensation in certain parts of the body. In the drug treatment of the cervical chondrosis to the well-established drugs, whose activity is defined as pyridoxine, thiamine, B12. Many of them are released in the form of solutions for intramuscular administration. It contains vitamins of group B, and ref. Thus, after the execution of the injection is to instantly remove the pain, recovering the number of motions in the area of the neck. At the same time, the tool improves the flow of blood to the working of the nervous, muscular, and cardiovascular systems, relieves inflammation, and degeneration of the nerves. There are indications and contra-indications to its application. They are the periods of pregnancy and breast-feeding, known hypersensitivity to the ingredients.
The best muscle relaxers
The resolution of the minor symptoms of degenerative disc disease of the cervix, and the at-home treatment for their exacerbation is often difficult to muscle spasms. Angry, back pressed to the displaced intervertebral disc, inflammatory swelling. Is more strong for the pain caused, the body to try to eliminate muscle spasm and spinal. Because of this, a kind of protective response that limits the mobility of a person with the uneasy feelings go away. But a lot of times, the increase in the tonus of the skeletal muscle, it makes sure the root cause yet more pressure on the nerve endings. It appears as the intensity of the pain, than to deal with it, is only made possible by a relaxation of the muscles. Muscle relaxants combined with all the facilities to deal with medical chondrosis, including steroids. They are very well tolerated by the body, but there are some that are able to be just as addictive, and the withdrawal syndrome. However, they are not designed to be therapy for a long time. The duration of therapy, of course, no more than one week.
The drug improves the psycho-emotional state
All of Kondratov's neck, especially to the worsening of the psycho-emotional state of a man. All the matter in infringement of the bone, with tumors in spine of an artery, leading to brain hypoxia. The patient is suffering from a unusual conditions of the musculoskeletal system symptoms, such as:
- panic attacks;
- depression, neurosis;
- vision and hearing disorders;
- dry, unproductive cough;
- shortness of breath;
- anxiety, apathy, fatigue,
- many sleep disorders.
Then you don't need to do it when you see it, the use of medications for the cough, and eye or ear drops. To eliminate the symptoms is often obtained in the course of the receipt of the funds, with an area-of-effect, too.
Vitamin supplementation and a balanced, complex
The majority of the vitamins, which are essential for the micro-and the macro will enter the body of a man, along with the food. But that's not always the food can supply a physiological need, or there is poor absorption or distribution. For example, when the disorder circulation, which is specific for degenerative cervical disc disease. It occurs a deficiency of the substances to be biologically active, which has a negative impact on the work of all systems of life. For a quick replenishment of your daily requirement of vitamins, micro and macro nutrients in the healing of the scheme, which is necessarily included in their balanced and complex. The magnesium in the form of muscle, bone, tissue, and iodine-it regulates the body's metabolism. Manganese, molybdenum, chromium, ruby on rails, complement, potassium, chloride, selenium, zinc, and stimulate the strengthening of the tendon-ligament apparatus, while the cover also relieves the inflammatory processes. These minerals are present in these complexes. The correct administration of drugs is the use of the 1-coated tablets per day — this amount is sufficient to enhance the blood-brain and minerals. A week or so later, they disappear with the signs of anemia, which occurs in the 3 stages of the development of the cervical chondrosis. The man did not feel sleepy, do not suffer from the disorders of coordination of movements. Disappears the double vision object in front of your eyes.
The adhesive cures
A proven tool for an exacerbation of a degenerative disease of the disk by Spray adhesive. The composition is introduced to the phyto-extracts of red capsicum plaster, belladonna. The active ingredients of the patch will gradually penetrate into the area of a disc is damaged, have no analgesic action in the course of 3-5 hours. If it's a pain in the neck, something to the exterior of the tool and use it all over or cut up into bite-sized pieces. Spray adhesive is useful in the treatment at home, at work, on the road. But, it has no contraindications — idiosyncrasy of one of the components. And for those of us with sensitive skin it can cause a chemical burn. The pads are showing an anti-inflammatory to reduce the swelling, a chondroprotective activity. It is designed for the treatment of all disorders of the cervical spine. The application will help you to reduce the drug load on the human body by reduction of the dose of the drug from the system.
Such as explaining and talking points correctly, the neck, chondrosis?
To stop the destruction of the intervertebral disc is achieved only with a comprehensive approach to treatment. Practiced in wearing the devices, orthopedic (collars), which sets out the vertebra in the anatomical position. Not necessarily, are used for workers, to improve the vascularization of the damaged tissue of the nutrients and bio-active substances. Shows, classes, daily wound care, physical exercise, yoga, swimming, walking in the open air. The majority of the medication it is advisable to use to decrease your symptoms during a period of exacerbation. They have a lot of side effects, including damage to the liver tissue. For the reception of a permanent, suitable chondroprotectors, tools to improve blood circulation, balance, vitamins, and minerals.